Friday, August 30, 2024

SAQA Benefit Auction

It's time once again for SAQA's annual Benefit Auction. (SAQA = Studio Art Quilt Associates) Members have donated 12" square art quilts that go up for auction as the organization's main fund-raising effort.  Funds raised support SAQA's exhibitions, publications, and educational outreach.  The auction opens on September 13 and runs through October 6.  It is a reverse auction format.  On opening day, all artworks are available for $1000 each.  For the following 3 weeks, the quilts are divided into 3 groups with 1 group available each week at decreasing prices.  Read more about the auction here and view the quilts here.

You do need to create an account on Handbid in order to bid on quilts.

Sue has donated a quilt again this year, a screen printed and hand stitched piece called "Hope".

Do take a look at all the beautiful artworks available and bid if you are so inclined.  It's an opportunity to own a small artwork by well-known and upcoming artists in the world of art quilts.

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