
Monday, January 5, 2015

Getting Started

I'm still refining the list of projects and new endeavors for 2015, but getting closer to specifics. I'm also focusing on this quote from Lesley Riley " Learn to observe the ordinary. That's where you'll find the answers." This, and my word "clarify", and we'll see how the year evolves. I've got a list of UFOs, and a list of ideas.
 Meanwhile, I've worked on one UFO (Winter Oaks that I showed in this post) and started testing some ideas for another project. Here are a few things I played around with today.
The top photo above is a piece I started printing last fall, but needed to let the paint dry before I filled in all the spaces - and then didn't get back to it.  So today I decided it was time to finish filling in the spaces.  Then, I played with the things below.  On the left is a seed pod that I saved from a flower arrangement.  I thought it would make an interesting stamp, although it's not flat so I knew that would make it hard to get a complete print.  But there is potential there....stay tuned.  On the bottom right are some prints from a wooden stamp that I was trying out.  I like it.
And finally, I did some discharge on a piece of hand-dyed fabric to see what color it would discharge to and if I like the results.  I'm considering some options for a small project I want to do this month.  Well, its a start!

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