
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tumble Dye Part 3

A few weeks ago I did a couple of posts about using Tumble Dye, part 1 and part 2.  In this post I'll share the results.  With the first 2 pieces, I started with wet fabric and sprayed on the dye.  This allowed the colors to blend, but I was also concerned that they might be more faded looking when the fabric was washed.  So I decided to dye a 3rd piece starting with dry fabric.  First some pictures.

This is the leaf print after dyeing and heat setting - I don't think I showed this one in the previous post.
This is the 3rd piece I dyed, which has a more speckled look due to working with dry fabric.   This is the piece after heat setting but before washing.  The final step in my "experiment" was washing the fabrics to see how well the dye held up.  Below are the other 2 pieces prior to washing.

Finally, here are all 3 pieces after running through the washer and dryer. 

Keeping in mind that the lighting in the photos may not be the best, I purposely took the before & after washing photos in the same spot for comparison purposes.  I don't see a big difference, so I was pleased with the final result, the colors appear pretty much the same.  Just be sure to heat set, either with an iron or in the dryer before washing.  While this method does not give as intense color on the wrong side as standard dyeing processes, it's a viable alternative for smaller pieces, t-shirts, or if you just don't have time for the process of MX-procion dyes.  I would, however, recommend the Mist-It sprayers mentioned in the part 2 post for better control of the sprayer.  Give it a try!

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