
Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year 2018!

A new year always provides the opportunity to refocus, evaluating the previous year and making plans for the new.  Here at PGFiber2Art we've been quiet for the last month of 2017, taking some time instead to focus on the holidays and family activities.  Now that 2018 is here, it's time to take a look back at 2017 while taking the first steps into the new year.

Some highlights of 2017 for us included: Sue's January trip to Craft Napa in California;
our trip to Quilt Con in Savannah in February;
submitting to the Threads of Resistance call for entries and later viewing the show at the New England Quilt Museum;
an art quilt class with Libby Williamson; getting back to Quilt Camp in New Hampshire;
participation in a modern quilt exhibit at the Virginia Quilt Museum; and work on other challenge/exhibit projects.  So even though it seems at times as though not much is being accomplished, when you take the time to look back you find that you've really done more than you thought.

In 2018, we are looking forward to: attending the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival in February; teaching our revamped screen printing class in March (Print and Collage with Screen Printing);
the birth of Elizabeth's first grandchild in March; classes with national teachers - Sue is registered for a class with Hollis Chatelaine in April, and we will both be taking 2 days of classes at VCQ's Celebration retreat at the end of April; we also will be trying out a new teaching venue this spring.

So as we move forward into this brand new year, we hope you will continue to follow along with our creative adventures, and we wish all of you a fulfilling, inspirational and creative year!


  1. Happy New Year to You and your Families. Congratulations to you, Elizabeth, on the anticipated birth of your 1st grandchild. Looking forward to seeing the quilt. I love the Peace quilt with the combination of fiber art techniques.

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