
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Heading to Savannah

On Thursday Sue and Elizabeth are heading to QuiltCon east, presented by the Modern Quilt Guild and being held in Savannah, GA.  Usually at this time of year we are off to Hampton, VA for the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival.  But after so many years of the same quilt show, we decided it was time for something different, and made arrangements to attend QuiltCon instead. 
Like MAQF, there is a quilt show/competition, vendors, workshops and lectures.  We are not registered for any workshops, but plan to take in a few lectures.  We will arrive mid-day Thursday and plan to spend Friday and Saturday at the show.  That will leave Thursday afternoon and Sunday for sightseeing around Savannah, and then return home Monday.  Neither of us has ever been to Savannah, so this is a new adventure for us.  We look forward to seeing some of the historic sights in Savannah, including the Juliet Gordon Low birthplace.  Old Town Trolley Tours has several packaged tours, or you can pick and choose the things you want to see.  Downtown Savannah is home to one of the largest National Historic Landmark Districts in the US.

Stay tuned to hear more about our adventures at QuiltCon and in Savannah!

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