
Friday, May 6, 2016

April UFO Busting

As you can tell from the limited number of posts in April, we have been kind of "MIA" - "missing in action" because we were derailed with other things when life got in the way as it so often does.  In early April, Elizabeth's mother (Barbara) passed away after several months of health issues which were further complicated by her diabetes.  We will miss her dearly.  Late April brought VCQ's Celebration retreat which Sue was co-chair of, in addition to being VCQ president.  It was fun and a great success, but involved lots of last minute tasks.  Now we are hoping for things to calm down a little and to get back on track with more frequent posts.

At least Sue is able to report two completions for the month of April.  One is the challenge quilt that was made for our Virginia Consortium of Quilters biannual retreat based on our theme, "It's Crystal Clear We Are Quilters". This is a whole cloth piece that she snow dyed this winter - her first attempt at a mandala style fold.  It is machine quilted with Superior Thread's Glitter metallic thread and has hot fix Swarovski crystals added (which are hard to see in the photo).  She is happy to report it won 1st place in the challenge!
The second finish is a new start as well as finish for April, which was shown in our last blog post on April 13.  It's a Fat-Quarter Pop-Up designed by the Fat Quarter Gypsy and is made with a piece of snow-dyed/thermofax printed fabric.  Sue will be teaching a class in making the pop-ups at Artistic Artifacts in June.

So the stats for April are:
Starting UFO count: 11
New projects started this month: 1
Projects finished this month: 2
UFO count at end of month:10

Go to Vicki Welsh's blog - Colorways by Vicki Welsh (note new website/blog address) - to see what other participants have reported for the month of April.

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth, My condolences on your mother's passing. The years we have with our parents are never enough.
    Glad you guys are back online. I have missed your info and updates.
