
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

UFO Busting in March

We're a few days behind with the UFO Busting report for March.  Vicki forgot to post last Friday (April Fool?), so did her post Monday.  Which is fine, we were at the Creative Arts Business Summit so would not have had time to post anyway.  Now getting back in the swing of things, so we're really only a day behind.  How did Sue in the month of March? 

She claims 2 finishes (or maybe 1 1/2?) for the month.  The first is the completion of her 3 block lotto blocks that were featured in the recent tutorial.  (counting all 3 as one project)  Since these get turned in as blocks, there is no sewing them together into a finished quilt (unless we win a set of blocks!)  Here's one of the 3.
The second finish Sue claims is the mock mola hand stitching from last month.  All the hand stitching is now finished.  True, it's not been made into a completed project yet, but finishing the stitching is an accomplishment, so she's counting it.  (or maybe its a 1/2 finish) Maybe by the end of April she'll have decided what to do with it.
April is the month for finishing Sue's Celebration challenge quilt, so there will be something to report next month.  Here's the link to Vicki Welsh's blog so you can check out what everyone else is doing.

Starting UFO count: 12
New projects started this month: 1
Projects finished this month: 2
UFO count at end of month:11

From Sue's beginning of the year UFO list: "Two are hand stitching projects, one of which is almost done, and then will need machine quilting."  She has now finished the hand stitching on both of these projects!  

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