
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Searching for Roy G Biv - Brown!

In search of Roy G Biv, it is time this month for BROWN pictures. We are linking to Julie Booth's blog and her friend Jennifer Coyne Qudeen in finding the colors of the rainbow.  Since the colors of the rainbow were finished in July, they are extending through the rest of the year with other colors.  Check out their blogs for more examples of brown.  Most of these pictures were taken in New Hampshire.  Enjoy!
An assortment of rolling pins in various shades of brown.
This pretty brown house caught our eye while driving near Wolfeboro.
Who doesn't love an old brown tub full of violets?
A typical New England barn, with some comical additions.
A rusty brown tricycle has seen better days.
This log cabin houses a quilt shop.
Homemade shoo-fly pie!  Yum, yum!


  1. Shoo-fly pie I would love to try, your picture makes it look so yummy and i do like the cute little rusty tricycle.

  2. Love the rolling pins, but that barn just got me with its window placement and odd sizes. Looks like a robot barn face... Thanks for joining in the search again! Enjoy!

  3. The rolling pins are that house are beautiful, but I would really love to taste the shoo-fly pie! Great browns!

  4. The New England Barn is fantastic, would love to peak inside.

  5. Great browns here...especially love the tricycle as I think that looks just like my first ride!!

  6. Mmmm, the shoe-fly pie and the rolling pins, both luscious and great browns!

  7. Mmmm, the shoe-fly pie and the rolling pins, both luscious and great browns!
