
Thursday, July 16, 2015

Searching for Roy G Biv - Violet!

In search of Roy G Biv, it is time this month for VIOLET pictures. We are linking to Julie Booth's blog and her friend Jennifer Coyne Qudeen in finding the colors of the rainbow.  Check out their blogs for more examples of violet.  A couple of these are from last summer's quilt camp (2014) in New Hampshire, which is where we are now. Not sure where the flower photo is from, but the sunset is one from this summer.  Enjoy!
The piece of fabric above was dyed using a pole-wrapped shibori technique.
Purple (violet) cauliflower - a farmer's market purchase this spring.
A violet hand-dye that was printed with our birds-on-a-branch screen.
Isn't this a gorgeous sunset?  View of Lake Winnipesaukee, NH, taken sometime in the last few weeks.


  1. Wonderful photos..that sunset is so surreal and spectacular!!

  2. Great purples. That sunset is stunning.

  3. How extraordinary is that violet / pink cauliflower and that sunset - wonderful!

  4. How extraordinary is that violet / pink cauliflower and that sunset - wonderful!

  5. Wonderful selection of violets - all so different, but each one is lovely. And that sunset is stunning!
