
Monday, May 4, 2015

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

On Saturday Elizabeth and her husband headed to Maryland for the annual Sheep and Wool Festival in Howard County.  It was a gorgeous day and the crowd was large, so large that parking was several fields and 2 shuttle bus rides away!  This show is always worth going to and on this beautiful day it was a nice drive and an enjoyable afternoon.
 The fence and the trees on the lane up to the entrance had been yarn bombed by knitters and crocheters.
At this festival you can buy anything sheep and lamb related that you could possibly think of from food products, to farm implements, to anything and everything having to do with products made from their fleece.  Spinners, weavers, knitters, crocheters, felters, and sewers all have something to see and do here.  The riot of color is everywhere!

You can look at all types of sheep, watch them get sheared and see a demonstration of the skills of the herding dogs.

Occasionally something related also sneaks in like these handmade brooms harkening back to days gone by.
Next year, put the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival on your destination list.  You will be glad you went!

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