
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Feeling Blue

Feeling blue?  In search of Roy G Biv, it is time this month for BLUE pictures. We are linking to Julie Booth's blog and her friend Jennifer Coyne Qudeen in finding the colors of the rainbow.  Check out their blogs for more blues. This month's finds are contributed by both Sue and Elizabeth.  We thought blue might be a little challenging, but as it turns out, there were more than enough to choose from.  In fact, it was hard to narrow it down to just these 7!
 Delicate blue blossoms.
 Blues at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.
 A hand-dyed blue drying on the clothes line last summer.
 A perfect blue sky with a gaggle of geese.
 A felted flower pot cover.
 A view of Lake Winnipesaukee from the restaurant deck at Castle in the Clouds.
 Yarn bombing the fence at Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.


  1. Hi Susan and Elizabeth- A great selection of wonder it was so hard to choose! Love that sky with the geese (which I wouldn't have notices until you pointed them out) and the yarn bombing. Thanks for playing!-Julie

  2. What a lovely selection! My favourites are the felted flower pot cover and, of course, that yarn bombing.

  3. Enjoyed your blues, especially the yarn & felt!

  4. Great selection and variety of blues here. The blue sky is just so deep nd intense you could fall right into it!

  5. Love the blues here today...especially that perfect blue sky!

  6. Lovely! The hand-dyed fabric made me think of a very intense sky and looks so beautiful hanging under the canopy of trees...
