
Monday, October 20, 2014

Tumble Dye

A few weeks ago we attended the Original Sew Expo in Fredericksburg and one of the products we purchased is called Tumble Dye.

I decided to do some experimenting to see how well this product works.  Previously, I have used powdered Procion MX dyes and Rit, which involve care to protect yourself from the dye particles.  This is a liquid dye already mixed that comes in a spray bottle, so eliminates the toxic nature of the powdered dye.  It is sold by SEI Crafts; on this page there's also a link to video tutorials.  I watched these before conducting my experiment.

The first thing I did was prepare 2 pieces of fabric, both 100% cotton.  On one piece, I printed with an all-over crackle screen to make a white on white resist.  On the other piece, I printed fall leaves in black with the idea of creating a fall-colored background on the piece of fabric.  Both of these were allowed to dry over night and then were heat set so the paint would not wash out.

The next post will show the dye application and some of the results.

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