
Friday, October 10, 2014

QC6 Day 12

July 11, 2104
As indicated in yesterday's post, today was a road trip day.  We started off with a stop at the Tuftonboro library's annual book sale, and I found a lot more than I expected to.  The best find is the big book of clip art - all art in the public domain.  I haven't had a chance to really look at it yet, but I'm sure it holds a treasure trove of images for screens and inspiration!  There are a couple of other books for design ideas, plus some on quilting, embroidery, felting & knitting, and mixed media.  Lots of inspiration!

From there we headed to Portsmouth, NH to the first of 3 quilt shops we visited.  All 3 are participating in the Row by Row Experience shop hop, so we picked up our free patterns and a few other goodies.  The row designs include sailboats, hot air balloons, and a pinwheel-type design. The painted quilt blocks are on a garage door at the Village Quilt Shop in Berwick, Maine - we did  jump over the border from eastern NH to add another state!
In between, we made a stop at Salmon Falls Stoneware outlet store.  They have some beautiful pottery.
I showed a piece of orange fabric yesterday that I did some discharge on, but didn't have a picture of the over-printing.  I added turquoise "bubbles" to help tie it in to the row that I want to use it with.
After the all day road trip, a stop at the grocery store, and then fixing dinner when we got home, there wasn't time for much else.  I rinsed out the pieces in the dye pots from yesterday (the red napkins and the small pieced log cabin piece) but they require more washing before they are ready to show.

Tomorrow there is a fiber art fair in Center Sandwich, so we will probably head over there for a bit.  But hopefully get some more project work done as well.

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